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نیکیوں کا خزانہ جنت کا حصول

              ثواب کے خزانے جنت کا داخلہ   قیامت تک فرشتے نیکیاں لکھتے رہیں گے قیامت میں اللہ کے ولیوں کی جماعت کے ساتھ شامل کر دیا جائے گا اور بے غم بے خوف جنت میں داخل ہوگا  حضرت علامہ عبد الرحمن صفوری رحمتہ اللہ علیہ نے اس کو اپنی مایہ ناز تصنیف نزھتہ المجالس میں نقل کیا ہے اور اسکے علاوہ صلحاء امت اسکو بیان کرتے چلے آئیں ہیں  عمل کچھ اس طرح ہے کہ جو مسلمان نماز فجر کے بعد جب ایک گنٹھہ گزر جائے اسکو نماز چاشت کا وقت کہتے ہیں فجر کی نماز کا وقت ختم ہونے کے 20 منٹ بعد نماز اشراق پڑھی جاتی ہے اور کم و بیش ایک ڈیڑھ گنٹھے بعد چاشت پڑھی جاتی ہے بہرحال جب چاشت کا وقت ہوجائے مثلا اگر صبح سورج 7 بجے نکل گیا اور فجر کا ٹائم ختم ہوگیا اسکے ایک گنٹھہ بعد 8 بجے چاشت کی نماز کا وقت شروع ہوگا  وضو کرے اور بارہ رکعت نماز چاشت کی نیت کرے اور دو دو رکعت کے ساتھ بارہ رکعات پڑھے اور ہر رکعت میں سورة الفاتحہ  کے  بعد ایک بار آیتہ  الکرسی اور تین بار سورة الاخلاص پڑھے اور بعد نماز دعا کرے ۔ اسکی فضیلت یہ بیان کی گئی کہ اس عمل کرنے والے ...

زم زم کی شان zam zam ki shan

Do u know the miracles of zamzam Water from HOLY MAKKAH??
ZamZam water level is around 10.6 feet below the surface. It is the miracle of Allah that when Zam Zam was pumped continuously for more than 24 hours with
a pumping rate of 8,000 liters per second, water level dropped to almost 44 feet below the surface,
the level immediately elevated again to 13 feet after 11 minutes. 8,000 liters per second means that 8,000 x 60 = 480,000 liters per minute 480,000 liters per minutes means that 480,000 x 60 = 28.8 Million liters per hour And 28.8 Million liters per hour means that 28,800,000 x 24 = 691.2 Million liters per day
So they pumped 690 Millions liters of ZamZam in 24 hours, but it was re-supplied in 11 minutes only.
And not to forget this well is providing water from the time of Hazrat Ismaeel as till now.
There are 2 miracles here, the first that ZamZam was re-filled immediately, & the second is that Allah Holds the extra-ordinary y powerful Aquifer for not throwing
extra ZamZam out of the well.
It is the translation of the word ZamZam, which means Stop Stop!said by Hajirah RZ. Zimam is an Arabic word, it is the rope / REIN attached to bridle or noseband & it is used / pulled to stop the running animal.
Zamzam water  has no color or smell, but it has a distinct taste. Water usually fills your thrust. But surprisingly, Zamzam fills your hunger as wel as your thrust. One can stay alive just by drinking zam zam water for as long as he can.
The results of the water samples tested by the European laboratories shows that Zamzam water contains
The difference between Zamzam water and other water was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of these was slightly higher in Zamzam water. This may be why this water refreshes tired hajis.
But more significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action.
Masaru Emoto is a Japanese energy scholar, author and entrepreneur, best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Following is his research on zamzam water:
1. The quality / purity of Zamzam water has, will not be find any where else in the water on this earth.
2. He used the technology named NANO, and researched a lot on Zamzam water. And found out that if one drop of Zamzam water mix in 1000 drops of regular water, regular water will get the same quality like Zamzam water.
3. He also found that a mineral in one drop of Zamzam water has its own importance that will not be find any other water on this earth.
4. He also found in some tests that the quality or ingredients of Zamzam water can not be changed, why, science does not know the reason.
Even he re-cycled the Zamzam water, but no change it was still pure.
5. This scientist also found out that, the Muslims say BISMILLAH before eating/drinking. He says that after saying BISMILLAH on regular water, there are some strange changes happened in the quality of regular water. That make it best water.
6. He also found out that if some one recites the Quran on regular water, it gets the ability for the treatment of different diseases.
"If you are in doubt about it, then bring a book like it."[A challenge from the Lord of the Worlds]
JazakALLAH                                              محمد عظیم شاہ یوسفی


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