شب برآت کا رزق کی وسعت کا عمل شب برآت کی رات کو یہ عمل کرلیں انشاء اللہ روزی رزق میں اللہ تعالی بے پناہ اضافہ عطا فرمائے گا پہلے پاک صاف جگہ بیٹھ کر با وضو حالت میں اول درود ابراھیمی تین بار پڑھئیں اور پھر بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم پڑھے اور سورہ اخلاص پڑھے اور جب اللہ الصمد پڑھے تو اسکو 47 بار دہرائے اور سورت مکمل کرے ہر بار بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم کے ساتھ پڑھے بس اسی طریقہ سے سورہ اخلاص کو 47 بار پڑھے مطلب ہر بار جب اللہ الصمد پڑھے تو اسکو 47 بار دہرائے اور سورہ بھی 47 بار پڑھ لے بس ہر بار اللہ الصمد کو 47 بار دہرانا ہے۔ آخر میں تین بار پھر درود پڑھے پھر کوئی بھی چیز اپنے سر سے گھماکر صدقہ کردے کچھ بھی ہو دال چاول آٹا گوشت پیسے رقم جتنی اللہ توفیق دے وغیرہ محمد عظیم شاہ یوسفی قادری چشتی فریدی صابری اشرفی 1446ھجری 2025 عیسوی 14شعبان المکرم
He was born in the year 592 Hijri in Herat, Afghanistan. His father was Syed Abdul Rahim (R.A) who was the grandson of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani (R.A) and mother named Jamila Khatun (R.A), the elder sister of Baba Fareed Ganj-e-Shakar (R.A).
Lineage Of Hazrat Sabir (R.A)
Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Sabir (R.A)
Hazrat Shah Abdul Rahim (R.A)
Hazrat Syed Abdul Wahab (R.A)
Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani (R.A)
Hazrat Shah Abdul Rahim (R.A)
Hazrat Syed Abdul Wahab (R.A)
Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani (R.A)
Spiritual Chain
Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Sabir (R.A)
Hazrat Fareed-Ud-Din Masud Ganj Shakar (R.A)
Hazrat Qutbuddin Bukhtiyar Kaki (R.A)
Hazrat Khwaja Moin-Ud-Din Chishti (R.A)
Hazrat Fareed-Ud-Din Masud Ganj Shakar (R.A)
Hazrat Qutbuddin Bukhtiyar Kaki (R.A)
Hazrat Khwaja Moin-Ud-Din Chishti (R.A)
Early Life
His father (R.A) died after a few years of his birth. Then Hazrat Sabir (R.A) Mother carried him to her brother, Baba Fareed (R.A), in Pak Pattan Sharif. There he pledged discipleship on the hands of Baba Fareed (R.A). The mother took special care in his moral and spiritual upbringing. After initial studies at home, he repaired to the care of his maternal uncle “Baba Fareed (R.A)”, at Pak Pattan. His mother left him in the care of his brother and returned to Herat Afghanistan. She however said to her brother on the departure that: “My son is extremely shy, quiet and would never say or demand anything take care of his food”.
Baba Fareed (R.A) promised. Thinking that Hazrat Sabir (R.A) would feel shy or cautious and remain hungry sometimes, Hazrat Baba Fareed (R.A) entrusted him the duty of the distribution of food (Langar) to the people. This was also to train him mentally and practically. He joy-fully accepted the appointment and distributed Langar (food) two times a day but after the evening prayers he would attend to the discourses of Baba Fareed (R.A). He dispensed with his duties well and did not take a single morsel from the Langar. He performed this duty for 12 years.
When his mother came and saw him, she complained to his brother of her son’s weakness and alleged that he had kept him hungry. Baba Fareed (R.A) replied that: “I appointed him the administration of the langar (Food)” Then asked to Sabir (R.A) that: “why did you not eat from it?” Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir (R.A) replied that: “You ordered me to distribute the food and not to take from it, How could have I eaten without your permission.” His reply surprised all. Baba Fareed (R.A) remarked: “He is Sabir (patient)”. Later the word became a part of his name.
After a long time his mother came from Herat and requested her brother to marry his daughter to her son. Baba Fareed (R.A) replied that: “He has nothing to do with marriage. He is lost in meditation and awe-some-ness”. The sister said: “This is an excuse since he is an orphan, you decline the request.” Baba Fareed (R.A), upon listening to this married away his daughter, Khadija (R.A) to him. During the night when the bride entered the room, she found him (Sabir R.A) lost in prayers. When finished, he asked who she was. She replied: “Your wife” Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir (R.A) said. “How can I accommodate two in my heart? I have already it to one (Allah).” As he uttered these words, a fire burned the bride to ashes.
Hazrat Sabir (R.A) then left, and went to the city of Kalyar Sharif, which was a very congested & large city at that time. On Friday, Hazrat Sabir (R.A) went to perform the Friday Prayer in the Mosque. The people of the Mosque caused Hazrat Sabir (R.A) to sit outside the Mosque. When the Friday Prayer started and people went to the posture of Ruku, Hazrat Sabir (R.A) turned angry and said: “O Mosque, why don’t you do Ruku as well?” The Mosque collapsed, all people inside the Mosque died at that moment. Also a disease struck the city, Fire struck wherever he looked and people started to flee from the city thus the whole city of Kalyar was destroyed. Allah (SWT) cleared the whole city for his beloved.
His awe-some-ness was such as no man could stand to it. He was absorbed beyond description. He stood holding the branch of a Goolar tree for 12 years waiting for the revelation of Godly presence. The area was protected by God and no one was allowed to enter in the area of 24 miles. Here in Pak-Pattan Hazrat Baba Fareed (R.A) was aware of his state and condition. So one day he asked all his disciples: “Who Here can make my Sabir (R.A) sit. “One of his disciples “Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk (R.A)” agreed to go there. Hazrat Baba Fareed (R.A) blessed Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk (R.A), made Dua for him and ordered Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) to stay in the company of Hazrat Sabir (R.A).
Start Of Silsila-e-Sabriya
Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) left in the name of Allah. Baba Fareed (R.A) directed him not to stand before Hazrat Sabir (R.A) but serve him from behind his back as it would be dangerous to Khwaja Shamsuddin (R.A). Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) was a great Qari of the Quran, so when he reached Kalyar Sharif, he saw that Hazrat Sabir (R.A) is in strange condition, move less like a statue, and standing by holding the branch of a tree. Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) stood on his left side, and started to recite the Quran in his charming voice. After few moments, Hazrat Sabir (R.A) came into his senses and said: “Shamsuddin, sit down”. Shamsuddin (R.A) replied: “How could a slave sit when his master is standing”. Hazrat Sabir (R.A) said: “Okay, also let me sit”. Because he stood for so many years and was unable to sit, Khwaja Shamsuddin (R.A) helped him to lie down, and then he massaged Hazrat Sabir (R.A). From here Silsila-e-Sabriya started (Ma Shaa Allah).
Prophecy Of Sabir Sahib’s (R.A) Death
One day Hazrat Sabir (R.A) approached Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) and said: “My time is near, not far from here a Muslim ruler is trying to conquer a fortress, it is not being conquered, it will only be conquered through your prayer (Dua) so whenever your wish is granted understand that I have left this world. Then you can come back here and organize everything. Under the orders of Hazrat Sabir (R.A), Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) joined the royal army.
Once the Muslim ruler invaded but the fort could not be won. Continuous siege annoyed the Sultan. He therefore approached Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) to pray to God for the victory. Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) prayed and the Sultan won it. The moment Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) prayer was granted, Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir (R.A) left for his heavenly abode. Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) knew that his Shaikh Hazrat Sabir (R.A) is no more therefore he rushed to Kalyar Sharif and saw that Hazrat Sabir (R.A) body is lying in the protection of God.
Fana And Baqah
On arrival at Kalyar, Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) saw that Jamaluddin Abdaal (R.A) and his 99 Jinn’s were around the body of Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir (R.A) and a red light immersed the area. He then carried out the orders that were given to him by his Pir-o-Murshid (Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir (R.A). As the time for Janazah (funeral service) neared, Suddenly he saw a veiled horseman armed with a lance rapidly advancing and occupied the Mussallah then conducted the prayer himself. When Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) turned his face for Salaam (the last action of prayer), he was astounded to see a multitude of Aghyas, Awliya, Rijal-ul-Ghaib and Abdaals present. After the prayer, Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk (R.A) asked the veiled horseman: “O Imam, May I know who you are? As people will ask me that who has conducted the Funeral prayer of such high status Saint then what will I say?
Upon this the man pulled off his veil and it was Hazrat Sabir (R.A) himself. Then Hazrat Sabir (R.A) said, “O Shamsuddin, You used to ask me about Fana and Baqa, The man whose funeral prayer you have just read is Fana and what you see before you is Baqa!.