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Showing posts from March, 2013

نیکیوں کا خزانہ جنت کا حصول

              ثواب کے خزانے جنت کا داخلہ   قیامت تک فرشتے نیکیاں لکھتے رہیں گے قیامت میں اللہ کے ولیوں کی جماعت کے ساتھ شامل کر دیا جائے گا اور بے غم بے خوف جنت میں داخل ہوگا  حضرت علامہ عبد الرحمن صفوری رحمتہ اللہ علیہ نے اس کو اپنی مایہ ناز تصنیف نزھتہ المجالس میں نقل کیا ہے اور اسکے علاوہ صلحاء امت اسکو بیان کرتے چلے آئیں ہیں  عمل کچھ اس طرح ہے کہ جو مسلمان نماز فجر کے بعد جب ایک گنٹھہ گزر جائے اسکو نماز چاشت کا وقت کہتے ہیں فجر کی نماز کا وقت ختم ہونے کے 20 منٹ بعد نماز اشراق پڑھی جاتی ہے اور کم و بیش ایک ڈیڑھ گنٹھے بعد چاشت پڑھی جاتی ہے بہرحال جب چاشت کا وقت ہوجائے مثلا اگر صبح سورج 7 بجے نکل گیا اور فجر کا ٹائم ختم ہوگیا اسکے ایک گنٹھہ بعد 8 بجے چاشت کی نماز کا وقت شروع ہوگا  وضو کرے اور بارہ رکعت نماز چاشت کی نیت کرے اور دو دو رکعت کے ساتھ بارہ رکعات پڑھے اور ہر رکعت میں سورة الفاتحہ  کے  بعد ایک بار آیتہ  الکرسی اور تین بار سورة الاخلاص پڑھے اور بعد نماز دعا کرے ۔ اسکی فضیلت یہ بیان کی گئی کہ اس عمل کرنے والے ...

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Khawaja-e-Man Kibla-e-Man (URS 2011)

Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk Panipati ( Rahmatullah Allaih ) # Auliyas of Panipat

Imam Hassan Al-Basri

Birth: In Madinah during the reign of Sayyidinah Umar (R.A). Born in 21 AH, his father was a freed slave of Zaid ibn Thãbit (R.A), a famous companion of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hasan Basri (R) was himself brought up in the house of Ummul Mu’meneen Ummi-Salmah (R.A). Capabilities of Hasan Basri (R): Hasan Basri (R) had been gifted with noble virtues and brilliant capabilities essential to make his exhortation for revival of Islãm. He was distinguished for his usual temperament, friendly and considerate, winning and enchanting, on one hand. As also for his scholarship and profound learning strengthened with good judgment and wisdom on the other. In his knowledge of the Qur’ãn and Hadith he excelled all the learned men of his times. He had the opportunity of being an associate of the Sahãbah (R.A) he was fully aware of the deficiencies in practises that had crept in among the different sections of the society, and the measures necessary to eradicate them. Whenev...

HAZRAT YOUSUF allehe salam

Story of Prophet Yusuf 1. Introduction Prophet Yusuf (AS) was the son of Prophet Ya'qub (AS). In the Bible he is referred to as Joseph son of Jacob. The Holy Qur'an has mentioned his story in a beautiful chapter entitled "Surah Yusuf". Prophet Yusuf (AS) had 11 brothers. He was one of the youngest and possessed excellent character and manners. His father loved him dearly. Prophet Yusuf (AS) once dreamt that eleven stars and the sun and moon were prostrating to him. He related the dream to his father. Prophet Ya'qub (AS) realised that the dream outlined his son's destiny and greatness and cautioned him not to tell his brothers about the dream. His brothers were jealous of the favour that he enjoyed in their father's eyes and planned to somehow get rid of him. Whenever they took their goats out for grazing they would ask their father if Yusuf (AS) could accompany them. Prophet Ya'qub (AS) always refused, saying that the boy was too young....